Poland PA


Our students are attend a catholic High School, where values like being a good person, working on self-development for the betterment of self and others, helping and looking after those in need, belong to everyday routines.

There are in-house or rather in-school 😊clubs and after school gatherings where they can work on developing certain skills and gaining knowledge from those who are willing to share their expertise in various fields. They take part in charities and NPO to assist and provide those in need with a required help.

Preparation phase

  • Student selection
  • Several Meetings took place to talk about the project, the tasks ahead, poster making, travelling to Cyprus and collaborating with students of other nationalities and backgrounds

Communication between and within generations

  • We have discovered, that many of young people put up a shield not to be seen for who they are as they're afraid to be hurt
  • Teenagers would like to be authentic, but the society often promotes certain types of personalities, where young people often find it hard to fit in. Therefore often they'd rather be quiet and withdrawn or go to the other extreme, being overly loud and pretentious in order to hide their real self.
  • They find it difficult to express their thoughts when in a new surroundings, when in a group of complete strangers, where there are inclined to put up their barriers rather then openly interact
  • Their response to the emotional state of others depends on their background – if they're brought up in a household where emotions were discussed, respected, accepted, they were more inclined to be emphatic
  • Generally the age difference influences communication when it comes to much younger people. Teenagers who are open minded are able to freely communicate with others, whether they're younger or older
  • Communication on-line, via communication apps, is generally easier for many when they don't need to face the person – behind "the screen" they can be anyone. Often it makes it easier when they don't need to see each other, but many prefers video chats as then that gives them another level of connection
  • There are however many teenagers who are still inclined to have more personal contact with others and rather than use social media - meet up with their peers in person


They were produced by our student in collaborative groups


Our students all were familiar with the book, they have enjoyed the read and the poster making